Attendance Policy » ATTENDANCE POLICY


Honouliuli Middle School Attendance Philosophy & Expectations:

Students who attend school regularly not only thrive academically, but they also feel connected to their community and are able to develop important social skills and friendships.  At Honouliuli Middle, we are committed to supporting each student’s learning journey and working with our families on making attendance a priority.  We believe that consistent school attendance is a powerful indicator of future student success, and operate under the expectation that students will be on time daily and ready to learn.

Attendance Expectations 

  • Students are expected to be in school on time daily, and attend all class periods as scheduled. 
8:25 - Warning Bell
8:30 - Start of the School Day
  • Students who arrive after the start of the school day (8:30 am) need to report to the attendance window at the front office to obtain an Absence/Tardy Verification Slip.  This slip is required for students to be admitted into class.  It must be signed by the student’s teachers and parent/guardian, then turned in to the registration/attendance office.  They will be marked tardy by the advisory teacher.
    • Students who miss more than half of any period will be marked absent
2:45 - Dismissal Bell (Wednesdays: 1:35 pm dismissal)

Absence Reporting Procedures & Responsibilities:

  • Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:
    • On the day of the absence, parent shall call (307-7821) the notification of child’s absence to the registration/attendance office
    • A parent may also write a note or obtain a doctor’s note for the student to submit to the attendance/registration office upon return to school 

**All written and verbal documentation for excusing an absence should include the legal name of the student; date(s) of absence; parent/guardian signature and contact number

  • Communicate with the child about making arrangements with teachers for missed instruction and the importance of completing outstanding assignments