Parent/Community Network Center » Parent/Community Network Center

Parent/Community Network Center

Our Services

The Parent-Community Networking Centers (PCNC) serve to create supportive partnerships among the home, the school, and the community for the purposes of supporting student success, and building a sense of family and community.

Parent-Community Networking Centers are located in every elementary, intermediate and high school in the state and are staffed by a Parent Facilitator. It is a school-based gathering place for parents, teachers, volunteers, and the community to foster learning, sharing and partnerships that are responsive to the schools' expressed needs and concerns.

School Parent-Community Networking Centers provide a place for individuals to gather together to collaborate, make decisions, and create partnerships to enhance the educational performance and well-being of children.

Parent-Community Networking Centers are focal points for networking students and their families with the resources and services of the school and community.


Family-school-community partnerships are a shared responsibilities and reciprocal process whereby schools and other community agencies and organizations engage families in meaningful and culturally appropriate ways, and families take initiative to actively support their children’s development and learning. Schools and community organizations also make efforts to listen to parents, support them, and ensure that they have the tools to be active partners in their children’s school experience.

Family engagement improves children's learning:

  • increase social-emotional skills
  • improvement in school attendance
  • higher grade and test scores
  • higher enrollment in advanced programs
  • increased graduation rates
  • higher college enrollment rates